Tuesday 5 November 2013


Such a challenging week. Of course! Because the mid-term break is coming. :D

So for week 8, for the tutorial class we learn how to “marry” the strength & weaknesses with the opportunity & threats. We also learn how to give “name” for the babies that was born. Its sounds interesting! Using the last week case study ( The Digital Age ) all of us  asked to list down the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat as much as possible. 

Muaz & Waznah take the opportunity to share their  idea.
Madam Huda also teach us how to read the case study wisely so that we can take out all the 4 important things from a very long case study using the colouring sticky notes. For example Green for Strength, Yellow for Weaknesses, Blue for Opportunity and Red for Threats.

Example of the way we use sticky note for reading the case study. 
 As we done listing all the points. We have to combine the idea and try to find the solution. For example weaknesses and opportunity, strength and threats and so on.

This is my group members. Shabirah trying to list down the point.


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