Tuesday 17 September 2013

CHAPTER 1 : The Nature of Strategic Management

10th September 2013.

My first class for strategic management. Personally I didn’t expect to get a young, active and very cute woman as my lecturer. For the first activity, Miss Ummi provide newspapers for each group and told us to build high tower. High as we can. The class become noisy as we laughing and screaming in order to build the best high tower. 

And finally, the champion is our classmate group, Ada. For me, it is such a fun and great starting for this subject. From this activity, we learn how to manage the time given in order to get the best result. Everyone in the group have to participate directly and give their own opinions and idea either he/she is the leader or the followers. Such a good and beneficial subject as we can apply what we learn in the class to our daily activities.

 "Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them."

—Paul Hawken, Natural Capitalism

Syahirah ST

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